Monday, April 30, 2007

Mixing Sports and Broads

I'm going to assume the other clowns involved in this blog will be touching on the NFL Draft, NBA and NHL Playoffs, and the first 15-16% of the baseball season. That being said, this topic was brought up to a certain extent last week so I wanted to state the rules and regulations, as well as exceptions to each.

1) Live Events:

There is one major condition that has a huge impact on whether or not one is allowed to take a girlfriend/date to a sporting event. If a dude has season tickets, or a package of tickets for a particular team or sporting event, then a taking a girl is certainly acceptable, if the date has been planned in advance. As long as your best friends, friends that are fans of a specific team playing, friends that took you to a game in the recent past, and family (father and brother) are taken care of throughout the season.

The most important thing to remember when you have multiple tickets is planning ahead. There are different ways of doing this, reserving/assigning tickets to friends of specific teams, family, and girls. You can also have a draft/auction for the best games (still leaving some games open for others). Or even a combination of both.

The issue arises when you buy/are given tickets the day of or within a couple days of the game, and you are debating on who to invite. A girlfriend/date may only be invited after the following have been asked to join you (in no particular order): best friend, friend of home team, friend of opposing team, friend who recently brought you to a game (or even invited you), and family.

I think we all know where girlfriend/dates stand for playoff tickets.

2) Physical Participation:

There are very few sports which girlfriends/dates are allowed to participate in when playing with friends or others. Most are not even a question and self explanatory (baseball, football, basketball, even poker). However, there are a few exceptions.

A) Bowling. Unless there are some serious stakes/wages on the line, bowling can be a fun date or group activity.

B) Golf (strictly driving range). Under no circumstances should a girl be allowed on the golf course with other guys. Golf is an escape for guys from everyday life, work, stress, women, etc. It is a time to throw back a few cold ones, take frustrations out on little white balls, divots, and clubs, and just shoot the shit.

C) Frisbee. I guess that's cool.

3) TV Viewings

Any playoff or other big games during the regular season should be watched with a buddy or a group of friends. It is a time to disregard any sort of alternate thoughts or conversations and focus 100% on sports. If your friends are not around or are busy, watch by yourself. Having a girl around for this is pointless.

There is one obvious exception to this, the Super Bowl.

Any other game where your team is playing or you are interested in watching in can be viewed with the girlfriend/date, as long as you are still paying attention and not being distracted in anyway. Just throw her cell phone and an US Weekly at them and you should be set for at least 2 hours.

4) Fantasy

Hell no.


I'm sure many of you are interested in my thoughts on the draft, more specifically, the Dolphins passing on Brady Quinn Medicine Woman. At first I was obviously very, very angry, disappointed, and confused at the whole situation.

Now that I have had a couple days to sit back and reflect on the picks, I am no longer angry. I am still a little disappointed, and somewhat confused. I keep asking myself the same questions and going over the same scenarios:

Okay, I understand passing on Quinn, there are obvious questions surrounding him, but why Ted Ginn Jr.? A top ten pick should be a sure thing for the most part, and with his current injury he is anything but.

There is a 99.9% chance Trent Green will be wearing Orange and Teal next year. If that is the case, and if he stays healthy, he will give you two, three good years, on the optimistic side. Which means they still need a young quarterback to groom until he is ready and Green is finished. Do they truly believe John Beck has more potential than Quinn? I find that hard to believe.

This may be my way of trying to put a good spin on these events, but after some reflection I have come to the following conclusions.

From what I have seen/heard about Beck is that he extremely smart, hard working, and a gym rat. If you didn't take Jamarcus Russell or Quinn, Beck was the next in line and the closest QB to a sure thing, you know what you are getting with him. And the Dolphins were lucky that he fell to them in the middle of the second round.

Although he may not have deserved the 9th pick, before Ginn Jr's injury, do you not remember being wowed by him constantly while watching Ohio St at least once or twice a game? I do. He is blazing fast and has decent hands. He will open up the field in the passing game and is a homerun threat everytime in special teams (possibly more so than Devin Hester).

Overall, I still wonder what was going on and being said in the Phins war room on Saturday, but after having some time to reflect, I'm not as distraught and even somewhat excited for the upcoming season.

R.I.P. Josh Hancock


Anonymous said...

Considering this topic was started by one of the "other clowns" that writes for this blog, I think it is definitely fair for you to assume that the other contributors would only wirte about something like the NFL Draft or early baseball stuff.

You are just so original to jump on the back of a prior post! Great job Mr. Obvious!

Anonymous said...

did that comment make any sense to anyone?

Anonymous said...

No that first comment made no sense at all. And I should know cause I am really smart.

Anonymous said...

You're gonna get arrested.

Anonymous said...

You can't sell your tickets!

Anonymous said...

That's why you ran across the whole field?... Wait, you've got to tell me - was it spongy?

Anonymous said...

If you love me enough to sell your tickets, I love you enough not to let you.

Anonymous said...

I once did a pee in my pants while walking home from the bar! (literally, i was walking and doing a pee pee in my pants!) Hehehe :)