Friday, September 21, 2007


Last night, I get home and turn on the Met game. All I see is a replay of Lastings Milledge losing his mind and having to be restrained by multiple coaches and players. The announcers spoke of positive anger and negative anger and how Lastings was hurting his team. I called Relaxo to see if he saw what had happened. He had not and all he said was that Milledge was a punk. I know that all the papers will talk about the Mets chocking, Wagner being a puss and Milledge losing his mind.

Well, after this game all I can tell you is that I feel exactly like Milledge. Everyone says he overreacted to a play that was not a huge deal. Instead I think this is something that had been building up inside of him, from the bad call at first base earlier in the game, to getting hit by pitches seemingly every other night, to the terrible inconsistency of his ballclub. I understand that he is a rookie ("punk" rookie at that), but he acted in the same manner that everyone is saying the manager should be acting. He flat out lost it. Have we ever seen Reyes, or Beltran, or Wright or even Willie do that? We know LoDuca has made some sort of a habit of that sort of action, but he seems irritable to begin with.

All I am saying is that instead of chastising this guy, why aren't the Mets taking some of that fury and anger and turning onto the field. The fans are furious, the front office is disgraced and the media is salivating. Play angry, play mean, play tough. The Mets have been talking all year about how they are fine and how they are going to show Jimmy Rollins and the Phillies who the real team to beat is. Everyone missed the point. The Mets are obviously the team to beat, but they do not have a guy like Rollins who is going to spit in the other guys face and then stand there to fight. The Mets have been pushed around by the Phillies all year and now they are getting pushed around by the rest of the NL East.

Milledge acted exactly how I would want to. I am sick of this team playing like shit and not playing tough in late innings. I am sick of them not showing their emotion after games. Light a fire under somebodys ass. I know Milledge is the wrong guy to do it, but I wish the guys that should be doing it would at least pull a Paul O'Neill and trash a water cooler.

P.S. One out in the ninth, Mets up one, runners on 2nd and 3rd. Can someone explain to me why Willie does not walk Treanor to face the pinch hitter on deck? Putting the guy on first means nothing since the runner on second is the winning run anyway. It sets up a force on any base and a potential game ending double play. That is just the icing on the shitcake.



Anonymous said...

curious george lights a fire under my ass everynight!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please give Senator Craig my number...its 212-lil-boys. Call me...

Anonymous said...

It's gunna be HOT in the CITY TONIGHT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

...and I be dancing with myself....oooh ooh, ohh!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Zackybuns.


Yellow Hat and George

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOhhhhhh....mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes and GRAVYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, gracious, great BALLS of fire!

Anonymous said...

What's up doc?

Anonymous said...

crap Ted Danson is back

I hate that guy.

and cheeseburgers.

but i like the honorable senator!

i mean i like like him.

Anonymous said...

Billie Jean is not my lover...Senator Craig and little boys are my lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Owwwwww!

Anonymous said...

Senator Craig.....come out come out wherever you are......


Anonymous said...


I lost my big yellow hat.

No one move, we've got to find it

Anonymous said...

nausea, heartburn, upset stomach, ondogestion, diariah!!