Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Why Tiger will break Jack's record

No it's not because Tiger Woods won his 13th career major championship at the age of 31 and Jack Nicklaus didn't win his until he was 35 years old.

And no it's not because he won his 13th major in his 44th start, while Nicklaus won his 13th major in his 53rd start (9 fewer majors which translates into more than 2 full years).

Athough these stats certainly help and will make it easier, there are two specific reasons why Tiger Woods will break Jack Nicklaus' major championship record of 18.

The first reason being, the way Tiger won his 13th career major (4th PGA Championship). Tiger has won majors in all different fashions. Whether it be completely dominating out of the box and blowing away the rest of the field (i.e. the 1997 Masters or the 2000 U.S. Open in which he won by a major championship record 15 strokes), or tied for the lead and/or coming from behind on the final day (i.e. 2002 Masters or the 2000 PGA), or even in a playoff (i.e. 2000 PGA or the 2005 Masters).

But Woods had never really won a major the way he did on Sunday. Going into the final day with a comfortable lead, not having his best performance, having the lead shrink, but not never to the point where he was tied. Really just grinding it out, making his opponents have to make a move and playing just well enough to pull out the victory. Knowing he had the lead, and he would make the other contenders have to catch him and make moves, he could play conservatively (not typically his game) and still come out on top.

Now that Tiger knows how to win in so many different ways and conditions, it will only help him mentally (like he needed any sort of mental boost) down the road knowing that he has come out on top in all different fashions.

The second, and probably most significant reason why Tiger will break Jack's record is his fitness, which will turn into longevity.

Tiger is far and away the most physically fit golfer on the PGA Tour. There is no one even close, and I'm not sure he's not one of the most physically fit athletes in the world. This, although typically under the radar, characteristic will play the most important role down the road.

You cannot tell me that playing in 4 straight days of the Tulsa heat this past weekend didn't have an effect on everybody in the field, even Tiger. The difference is, it did not effect Tiger nearly as much. In addition, because Tiger takes care of his body so well, this will allow him to compete at such a high rate for a long time. Jack Nicklaus won his 18th and last major in 1986 at the age of 46. I can picture Tiger winning majors well into his 50's.

Mental strength, physical fitness, and in turn, longevity will (barring a significant/career threatening injury) allow Tiger Woods to not only pass, but demolish Jack Nicklaus' major championship record.
  • Red Sox fans, time to get a little nervous. Mets fans are lucky they play in a mediocre (at best) NL East
  • Two significant deaths in American sports this past week. RIP Bill Walsh and Phil Rizzuto (who past away this morning).
  • Big sports weekend this week: Trip to Yankees stadium to see the visiting Tigers on Friday, then heading to Giants Stadium to see the Red Bull take on the LA Galaxy featuring Westport's own Kyle Martino, and some other dude from England...(he better play or myself and the 20 other drunk idiots I will be with will have to do something about it).


Anonymous said...

Wait Wait Wait- am I supposed to be frightened by a bunch of drunk suburban softies? The combined fear-factor of your silver-spoon fed presence is equal to that of feral cat...Seriously, my ankle hurts, my team is terrible, the stadium has fieldTurf, and there are American Football lines on the field!

I am begging my lawyer to find a loop-hole in my contract as we speak. I need to get outta here...

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up you pussy! I am the toast of Hollywood right now, we are not going anywhere!

You make a bagillion dollars by sitting on your ass and not even playing! Who cares if American soccer is like Japanese basketball, you don't have to turn it around, you just have to keeping making money.

So just keep faking your injury so you can continue to rake in the dough without seriously jepordizing your career. Stop trying to get out of this amazing contract.

Anonymous said...

So Tiger is now 13-0 in winning majors when leading after 3 rounds.

And he is 0 for his career in winning majors after trailing going into the last round.

You are so on point Relaxo. Tiger really does it in so many different ways! Way to go!

KatzoRelaxo said...

Yes, but he has been tied going into the last round as well as trailed during the last round which is essentially the same thing.

Also, get off my dick!