Friday, August 31, 2007

Joba Rules

"We're still going by the same set of rules, but every once in a while we're going to take certain liberties," Torre said.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh....Mr. CHamberlain, I will be seeing you in the cutting room very soon once TOrre gets thru with you

IceCold said...

Bocker, please explain how you first defend the yankee handling of JOba with those dumbass rules, and now you are going to defend them not going by the rules.

No credibility.

Anonymous said...

Umm...not sure if I am in the right place but I had a long night last night. I am little embarassed to say it, but I went home with a guy and I don't remember much about our conversation or his performance in bed (i think i passed out on him), but I think he mentioned something about a sports blog that his friends wrote called 'beer sandwiches'. Anyway, he left his CC with me and a very large NY Yankees hat that I used as a bowl for cereal this morning. Does this ring a bell for anyone out there? I'd rather not see him again, but I'd like to return his CC. Thanks...