Friday, May 4, 2007

THE Final Word on the Ticket Debate

Father is hands down #1 choice . The offer at least has to be made. However in Jordan's case, if one of his illegitimate children finally come out of the blue(which I fully expect to happen within the next couple years), they get first dibs.

#2 choice comes down to a judgement call. It's partly how close a friend you are with someone, partly how big a fan of your team they are, and partly if they're fun to watch a game with. Under no circumstances should you offer it to a best friend in this postion if he's a fan of the other team. I would ask all Jets fans before I'd think of asking any Giant fan to a Jet-Giant game.

Next comes a friend or family member who just enjoys watching the sport. Somone who might not care about who wins but just has a good time watching the game, not just drinkin some beers.

In no way does a girl come before the first 3, even if there's the possibilty of something happening. It's a last option. And I'd love to hear Jordan explain how takes girls to games to get "affection".

Those Yanks looked good yesterday. Having a healthy Mussina, Pettitte and Wang could be huge for the Yankees in the playoffs, but they first have to worry about getting there. 10 starting pitchers in their first 30 games. That's a ridiculous number. However, by the end of the June, the Yanks rotation could consist of Mussina, Pettitte, Wang, Hughes, and Clemens. That would be the best staff in baseball and hard to bet against in the playoffs. Now if they can just hold it together until everyone comes back.

About 5 years back when the Hornets were still in Charlotte, Baron Davis and Jason Kidd went head-to-head in a playoff series. Much of the talk centered on how Davis was the next Kidd. After the Nets went on to beat the Hornets, Kidd went onto maintain his level of play even at his old age, while Baron has never raised his game to an elite level. Well after leading the Warriors to the win last night while gutting out a 20, 10 and 6 performance, I think Davis might finally be maturing later in his career, much like Kidd did with the Nets. It'll be very interesting to see if Davis dedicates himself in the offseason into continuing what he's started in these playoffs. He has the potential to be the best point guard in the league and if he puts the time in, the Warriors could be the next team out of California to win a title.

Who cares about the NHL? I read in the paper that the Ranger playoff game was going to be televised on Versus. Is that a real channel?

Not sure if anyone caught Blake's performance on American Idol, but no way it was better than Phil's. And Jordin Sparks is just getting by on her early performance, much like her father in his later years with the G-Men.


Anonymous said...

every jets fan you know over your best friend whom happens to be a giant fan? To a jets/giants game? what are you high?

Anonymous said...

blake is a fake!!

Anonymous said...

yeah murph! me and katz are going to braves/mets in september and we will be holding hands and sharing hot dogs!

not that there's anything wrong with that.

JWS said...

Murph when you are old enough and ready we can talk about "affection". Until then... really you're going to take every Jet fan you know over a Giant fan, that could get weird.