Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Washed Up

Being around town the past few days, going out... it's been kind of weird to see the "star" athletes of yesteryear in their current state.

I'm 6'1, sure I have a barrel chest but by no means am I a giant. It's funny how our mind can play tricks on us with how we remember people. For example last night, I saw two ex football players out at the bar. I remember watching these guys blow past, through and over people while in high school. Now... they had trouble getting to the front of the bar to order a drink.
Then you got another ex-star who you always remember for having the hottest gf and being popular in school, etc. Now.. .I see him last night and he is dancing awkwardly with a girl he would probably regret he even talked to in the morning.

And there are tons of these cases. Although I find ive noticed it most with football players. I guess that's because high school football players tend to be the strongest and being big and strong is most important to their sport.

Then you got the guys going bald or gray at a young age. Not that we know any of these people, so we'll just stick to the washed up athletes. One cannot expect them to keep in the same shape, and maybe it's cause I myself have gotten much bigger since high school so now it just seems like they've shrunk.

All I do know is that last night I must've done 5 or 6 double takes of random people who just looked so inferior to their characters of 6-7 years ago. I guess it can work the other way too though. There was a few guys who just got huge.

There were two active athletes in the building last night (besides myself)
One, all Ivy 1st team basketball, all Ivy 2nd team baseball
The other, still trying to make a NFL team

And in conclusion, I can't wait for this weekend


cjeasy said...

Please don't hate on bald people. Some of my best friends are bald.

Anonymous said...

So pretty much you spent a great night out at the bars just focusing on dudes? Now I can relate to that, let's do drinks next week.



Anonymous said...

did anyone else catch that tried referring to myself as an active athlete? what a joke!

hahaha, i was hoping no one would notice that and call me out.

watching the hot dog eating contest yesterday, the announcers referred to them as athletes so i can now offically call myself an active athlete and back it up with proof!

Anonymous said...

So I am an active athlete too then??

Anonymous said...

absolutely not.

Anonymous said...

is it still possible to nominate myself for best rash?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

College athletes!